At long last, here it is; the final product of our SSC Draw Off several
months ago. Since I happened to be the only one who completed the
"Zatana/polar bear/steering wheel/briefcase" assignment that month (to be posted soon), I
was bequeathed the honor of picking the topic of that meeting's Draw
Off. The first topic I thought off the top of my head?: "Rorschach as a
cat...doing something gritty." Needless to say, we had some great
submissions. However, Scott's (the final picture here) was given the legendary status of WINNER. And thus Rorcat was born:
| | | | | |  |
^ by Desmond | |
^ by Wattana |
^ by Mark (nice coverup attempt) |
^ by Emily |
^ by Brian (me) |
^ by Maurice |
^ WINNER! : by Scott |
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